Simulate voting behavior. Convert voter preferences into preferences & rankings for candidates.
Typical function inputs¶
- votersarray shape (a, n)
Voter preferences; a-dimensional voter preferences for n issues.
Each row of the array represents a voter’s preferences
Each column represents a difference issue.
- candidatesarray shape (b, n)
Candidate preferences for n-dimensional issues.
Each row represents a candidate’s preference
Each column represents a difference issue.
Types of voting behavior to simulate¶
Preference Tolerance¶
Assume that voters have a threshold of preference distance, at which if a candidate exceeds the tolerance threshold, they will give zero score or refuse to rank the candidate.
Preference Tolerance – Last Hope¶
Assume that for some voters, if all candidates exceed their threshold of preference tolerance, they might decide still vote for the single closet candidate.
Memory limitation¶
Assume that voters might only rate/rank so many candidates, for example, up to a limit of about 7.
Preference Error¶
Voters might miscalculate their preference distance from a candidate.
Function Summary¶
Add error to voter distances from candidates |
Calculate preference distance of voters away from candidates. |
Create rankings of voter for candidates, by considering only a top cnum of candidates and ignoring the rest. |
Calculate scores by assuming voters will only rate a set number cnum of candidates from 0 to 1. |
Creating ratings from 0 to 1 of voter for candidates using a tolerance circle. |
Zero-out scores or ranks by random. |
Module Functions¶
(distances, error_std, rstate=None)¶ Add error to voter distances from candidates
- Parameters
distances (array shape (a,b)) – Distances generated by function voter_distances
error_std (array shape (a,)) – standard deviation of distance error for each voter. Each voter has an accuracy represented by this.
- Returns
distances – New voter distances including voter error.
- Return type
array shape (a,b)
(voters, candidates, weights=None, order=1)¶ Calculate preference distance of voters away from candidates.
- Parameters
voters (array shape (a, n)) – Voter preferences; a number of voters, cardinal preferences for n issues.
candidates (array shape (b, n)) – b-number of Candidate preferences for n-dimensional issues.
weights (None or array shape (a, n)) – Dimensional weightings of each voter for each dimension. Only relevant if n > 1
- orderint
Order of norm
1 = taxi-cab norm; preferences for each issue add up
2 = euclidean norm; take the sqrt of squares.
- Returns
distances – Candidate b preference distance away from voter, for each voter a
- Return type
array shaped (a, b)
(voters, candidates, cnum=None, _distances=None)¶ Create rankings of voter for candidates, by considering only a top cnum of candidates and ignoring the rest. The last candidate is rated 0. The closest candidate is rated 1. Others are linearly scaled in between.
- Parameters
voters (array shape (a, n)) – Voter preferences; a number of voter cardinal preferences for n issues.
candidates (array shape (b, n)) – Candidate preferences for n-dimensional issues.
cnum (None (default), int, or int array shaped (a,)) – Max number of candidates that will be ranked. Can be set for each voter.
- Returns
rankings – Voter rankings for each candidate
- Return type
array shaped (a, b)
(voters, candidates, cnum=None)¶ Calculate scores by assuming voters will only rate a set number cnum of candidates from 0 to 1. Tolerance is based on number of candidates rather than preference distance.
- Parameters
voters (array shape (a, n)) – Voter preferences; n-dimensional voter cardinal preferences for n issues.
candidates (array shape (b, n)) – Candidate preferences for n-dimensional issues.
cnum (None (default), int, or int array shaped (a,)) – Max number of candidates that will be ranked. Can be set for each voter.
- Returns
out – Utility scores from a-voters for each b-candidate.
- Return type
array shaped (a, b)
(voters, candidates, distances=None, weights=None, tol=1, cnum=None, error_std=0, strategy='abs')¶ Creating ratings from 0 to 1 of voter for candidates using a tolerance circle.
Assume that all voters are honest.
Assume that voters have a preference “tolerance”. Candidates whose preference distance exceeds this tolerance have utility set to zero. - Linear mapping of preference distance and utility. - Utility = 1 if candidate preference is exactly voter preference. - Utility = 0 if candidate preference is exactly the tolerance distance.
Assume that voters will give strongest possible preference to closest candidate, unless that candidate is outside their preference tolerance.
- Parameters
voters (array shape (a, n)) – Voter preferences; a voter cardinal preferences for n issues.
candidates (array shape (b, n)) – b number of candidate preferences for n-dimensional issues.
tol (float, or array shaped (a,)) – Voter candidate tolerance distance. If cardinal preference exceed tol, utility set to zero. Toleranace is in same units as voters & candidates
cnum (None (default), int, or int array shaped (a,)) – Max number of candidates that will be ranked. Can be set for each voter.
strategy (str) –
Tolerance determination strategy. Use the following string options:
”abs” – set tol as an absolute value to compare to distance.
”voter” – set tol as factor of the average voter distance from the centroid. - At tol=1, candidates farther than 1 x avg voter distance are rated zero - At tol=2, candidates farther than 2 x avg voter distance are rated zero.
”candidate” – set tol relative to farthest distance of candidate to voter. - At tol=1, the max distance candidate is rated zero. - At tol=0.5, candidates at half of the max distance are rated zero
- Returns
out – Utility scores from a-voters for each b-candidate.
- Return type
array shaped (a, b)
(ratings, limits, weights=None, rs=None)¶ Zero-out scores or ranks by random. Simluation of limits of voter information, where for many candidates, voters may not be informed of all of them.
- Parameters
ratings (array shaped (a, b)) – Ratings, scores, ranks from a-voters for each b-candidate.
limits (int array shaped (a,)) – Number of canidates each voter has knowledge about
weights (array shaped (b,)) – Media model, probability weighting for each candidate where some candidates are more likely to be known than others.
- Returns
out – Adjusted ratings, scores, ranks with candidate limits applied.
- Return type
array shaped (a,b)