Multi-dimensional Spatial Voting Simulations =========================================================================================== John Huang, 25 May 2020 Executive Summary ------------------ This report documents simulation results for multi-dimensional spatial election models. In these simulations: - The number of candidates was varied from 3, 4, 5, 7, and 9. - Candidates were uniformly generated within 1.5 standard deviations of voter population preferences. - The number of preference dimensions was varied from 1 to 5. - All elections had 101 voters generated from a normal distribution. - All voters were assumed to grade candidates relative to their best and worst candidate. Other details about the voting model and assessment methodology are presented in the previous report :doc:`for 3-way elections <../simple3way/simple3way>`. Assessed systems include: - `Approval voting `_ - `Instant runoff voting (irv) `_ - `Scored voting `_ - `STAR voting `_ - `Ranked pairs `_ - `Smith minimax `_ - `Smith score `_ These new systems are compared to the traditional `plurality voting `_ system. From these simulations we can draw the following conclusions: 1. For 1-dimensional models, Condorcet methods such as ranked pairs and smith-minimax have superior performance. 2. Increasing preference dimensions from 1 to 2 increases the prevalence of `Condorcet Paradoxes `_ from 0% to 5.15%. 3. Increasing preference dimensions reduces Condorcet method satisfaction. 4. Cardinal methods have excellent multi-dimensional performance. At 5 dimensions, score is the best performing system. 5. The best, well-rounded methods are hybrid methods such as STAR voting and Smith-Minimax for 1-dimensional, 2-dimensional and multi-dimensional performance. 1-Dimensional vs 2-Dimensional Models ----------------------------------------- Newly generated scenario categorization for 1 and 2 preference dimensions are shown below. The following observations can be made: - The transition to 2-dimensions increases the occurrence of Condorcet Paradoxes from 0% to 5.152%. - The transition to 2-dimensions also increases the occurrence of Condorcet failures, where the Condorcet winner is not coincident with the Utility winner (Scenarios C, CP, PU, and M) from 3.75% to 12.28% - The transition to 2-dimensions changes the most likely scenario from "CU" (49.824% to 34.526% of scenarios) to "CPU" (27.736% to 36.58% of scenarios). .. figure:: scenario-categories-1.png :scale: 60 % :align: center Figure 1: Scenario category probabilities for 1-Dimensional Spatial Model .. figure:: scenario-categories-2.png :scale: 60 % :align: center Figure 2: Scenario category probabilities for 2-Dimensional Spatial Model Due to increasing Condorcet paradoxes and Condorcet failures, Cardinal and Hybrid voting systems have superior performance in multi-dimensional problems. Voter regrets, normalized as in :doc:`the previous report <../simple3way/simple3way>`, are plotted below in Figure 3 and 4 for 1 and 2 dimensional models. .. figure:: regrets-1.png :scale: 75 % :align: center Figure 3: Voter regrets for 1-Dimensional Spatial Model .. figure:: regrets-2.png :scale: 75 % :align: center Figure 4: Voter regrets for 2-Dimensional Spatial Model Increasing Preference Dimensionality to 3, 4, and 5 ----------------------------------------------------- Further increasing preference dimensions to 3, 4, and 5 dimensions increases the prevalence of the easiest-to-solve scenario category "CPU", where the Condorcet, plurality, and utility winner are coincident. All other more complex scenario prevalences are reduced with each additional dimension. Therefore for a "conservative" (in terms of engineering risk aversion) assessment of a voter method, it ought to be sufficient to only assess the 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional cases which contain the greatest occurrences of voting system failure scenarios. .. figure:: scenarios-vs-dimension.png Figure 5: Occurrences of Scenarios vs Model Preference Dimensions .. figure:: regrets-3.png :scale: 50 % :align: center Figure 4: Voter regrets for 3-Dimensional Spatial Model .. figure:: regrets-4.png :scale: 50 % :align: center Figure 4: Voter regrets for 4-Dimensional Spatial Model .. figure:: regrets-5.png :scale: 50 % :align: center Figure 4: Voter regrets for 5-Dimensional Spatial Model The Effect of Greater Number of Candidates ------------------------------------------ As the number of candidates increases, the likelihood of Condorcet failures tend to increase. For 2-dimensional models, the likelihood that the Condorcet winner is not the utility winner increases from 8.47% to 10.93% from 3 to 9 candidates. The likelihood of a Condorcet Paradox increases from 1.09% to 5.37%. .. figure:: scenarios-vs-candidates.png Figure 6: Occurrences of Scenarios vs # of Candidates Conclusions ------------ STAR voting or a similar hybrid cardinal method is recommended for multi-dimensional problems with higher occurrences of Condorcet Cycles. Condorcet methods remain well suited for 1-dimensionally polarized elections. Score also has excellent performance, assuming no tactical voting. Under min-max strategy equivalent to approval25 or approval50 voting, regret may be significantly increased.